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with the help of sb = with one’s help
在某人的帮助下  detail>>
be of no help to sb
对某人没有帮助  detail>>
help sb into
搀扶某人进入..  detail>>
help sb on with
帮某人穿上..  detail>>
help sb to
给某人进, 帮助某人得到, 帮助某人发现  detail>>
ask sb for help
请某人帮忙 向某人求助 向某人寻求帮助  detail>>
be of much help to sb
对某人很有帮助  detail>>
be of some help to sb
对某人有些帮助  detail>>
call sb for help
打电话给某人请求帮助  detail>>
extend help to sb
给某人帮助  detail>>
help sb down
把某人搀扶下来  detail>>
help sb off with
帮某人脱去..  detail>>
help sb out
帮助某人解决难题, 帮助某人摆脱困境, 帮助某人完成工作  detail>>
help sb out of
搀扶某人走出..  detail>>
help sb over
帮某人越过..., 帮某人度过..  detail>>
help sb up
把某人扶起, 扶某人攀登  detail>>
help sb with sth
帮助某事  detail>>
look to sb for help
期待某人帮助  detail>>